What We Believe, Who We Are & What’s Next For You?
What happens during a typical worship service?
Our hour-long services include live music, prayer, the reading of Scripture, and a sermon from our pastor. Nursery care for infants through age 3 or 4 (based on the individual’s needs) is available at our 9:30 am and 11 am services. At 9:30 am, elementary aged children may attend Sunday School or remain with their families in worship. At 11 am, elementary aged children may go to Children’s Church after the pastor’s children’s message near the beginning of the worship service, or they may remain with their families in the sanctuary. We love kids! Our Sunday School class for youth in 6th through 12th grades meets at 11am.
Will there be an offering collected?
The ministry of our church depends on your generosity. You can give in person, by mail, or online. To make a safe and secure online donation, click here.
When is communion served?
Holy communion is served each Sunday at the 8:00am service and is served at all three services on the first Sunday of every month. We take holy communion with bread and grape juice (in pre-poured individual cups) to commemorate the sacrifice of Christ’s life on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Gluten free wafers are also available at each communion station. All are welcome to take holy communion at Sanlando as it is a means of God’s grace shared freely with every person.
What should I wear?
Wear whatever makes you most comfortable! While some do choose to dress up for church, we do not have a dress code.
And if you’re joining us online, the platforms we use to stream worship do not include the use of any cameras on your computer, tablet, or mobile device, so we can’t see you. But, you are encouraged to participate in the service by interaction in the comments section of the Facebook Live Video during worship.
Need More Details?
Feel free to email Pastor Jonathan anytime at or
call our church office at 407-571-2100.