Click on the photos for a short bio!
Reverend Jonathan Tarman
Senior Pastor
407-571-2100 Ext. 101
Nicole Downing
Director of Operations
407-571-2100 Ext. 110
Sheryl Bane
Director of Congregational Care & Director of Youth Ministry
407-571-2100 Ext. 104
Fletcher Wilson
Director of Music & Worship
407-571-2100 Ext. 111
Natali Kramer
Director of Children’s Ministry
407-571-2100 Ext. 103
Erica Holloway
Director of Sanlando Christian School
407-339-1172 Ext. 204
Mitchell Klavins
Modern Worship Leader, Youth Ministry Assistant & Young Adult Ministry Coordinator
407-571-2100 Ext. 106
Kelsie Hunt
Administrative Assistant
407-571-2100 Ext. 109
Tiffany Meehan
Financial Coordinator
407-571-2100 Ext. 105
Jason Jankowski
A/V Technician
Howard Phillips

407-571-2100 Ext. 101
Reverend Jonathan Tarman
Senior Pastor
Pastor Jonathan is passionate about preaching and teaching God’s Word, getting to know new people, and empowering others to lead. He emphasizes a living personal faith, shared together in concrete ways. He and his wife, Kimberly, have three young children.
Jonathan grew up on a farm outside of Dodge City, KS and graduated from Kansas State University with a degree in Life Sciences Biology, where he was awarded one of six Outstanding Senior Awards.
Working as a child alongside his family to raise crops and cattle, Jonathan passionately appreciates the hard workers that feed America and much of the world. Combining his love of science and caring for people, Jonathan became a Certified Nurse’s Aide in high school and worked at his local hospital on evenings and weekends. It was at the bedside caring for many patients and through serving during his college years as a Resident Assistant/Multicultural Assistant that Jonathan received God’s call into full time ministry.
He received a Master of Divinity with an emphasis in Pastoral Care and Counseling from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA. Jonathan held elected roles in student government and other volunteer roles while studying at Fuller. A major part of his time was spent working for the Director of Student Services and New Student Programs as an office assistant and new student orientation coordinator.
As a church staff member and an appointed pastor, Jonathan served churches in Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area before being appointed to Sanlando UMC in 2017. Jonathan’s wife is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and works in her own practice, A Time To Heal Counseling Services.

407-571-2100 Ext. 110
Nicole Downing
Director of Operations
Nicole, her husband Jay, and daughter Leah have been longtime members of our Sanlando family. They have been very active in our congregation and Nicole is quite familiar with the day to day activities at Sanlando. She brings to us a wealth of knowledge and experience from having directed operations at the Better Business Bureau (BBB) in various roles for twenty years. In addition, she served in several administrative roles prior to her time at the BBB.
Her depth of knowledge, strong work ethic, and love for the Lord and our congregation make her a great fit for Director of Operations.

407-571-2100 Ext. 104
Sheryl Bane
Director of Congregational Care & Director of Youth Ministry
Sheryl was born and raised in a small town in northwest Indiana. As a small child her grandmother took her to church, and it is during this time where she came to know Jesus.
Sheryl grew up in the Assemblies of God denomination—attending an Assemblies of God church and university. During her time at school, she majored in Children’s Ministries, and since then she has worked in a variety of church settings across the Midwest and Florida, including nondenominational and Vineyard churches—not to mention, she also worked as a childbirth doula for a few years. Sheryl has been with Sanlando since early 2020.
Sheryl is a lifelong learner, so any time she has the opportunity to learn, she jumps at it. She enjoys gardening, cooking, working on her home, and listening to podcasts. She also enjoys spending time with her husband and their five children; they specifically love family traditions and spending time at Disney whenever they get the chance.

407-571-2100 Ext. 103
Natali Kramer
Director of Children’s Ministry
Natali has a teaching degree and taught in Seminole County for 10 years. Natali assisted in VPK classes at Sanlando Christian School last year. She is passionate about teaching children and helping them learn and grow with Jesus! Natali says, “I cannot wait to get to know your families better as I embark on this new journey!”

407-571-2100 Ext. 108
Mitchell Klavins
Modern Worship Leader, Youth Ministry Assistant & Young Adult Ministry Coordinator
Mitchell was raised here in Seminole County. He has had the opportunity of growing up at Sanlando, the same church he where he came to faith in Jesus. Sanlando has held a special significance to him as a place where he can truly feel at home.
Mitchell is currently completing his bachelors degree in Music Performance from the University of Central Florida. His hope is to lead worship full time once he finishes college.
It seems Mitchell is always picking up new hobbies such as weightlifting, cooking, mixed-martial arts, and even acting.
Mitchell is passionate about music and using it as a means to glorify God. He loves to be able to lead others into worship and couldn’t imagine a more fulfilling calling.

407-339-1172 Ext. 204
Erica Holloway
Director of Sanlando Christian School
A lifelong Methodist, Erica was born and raised in Iowa, moving to Florida in 1993. With a master’s degree in Educational Psychology from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis and over 20 years of experience, Erica brings great credentials and a lifelong love of children to her position as Director of Sanlando Christian School, a position she has held since 2013. Erica began her career at SCS in 1999 as a preschool teacher, completed all the coursework for a teaching certificate and taught kindergarten at SCS for seven years. She now holds an advanced Director’s Credential with VPK endorsement, along with over 300 hours of specialized training in Early Childhood Education.
She has been part of Sanlando United Methodist church long enough for her two adult sons to have grown up in the church. Erica has always believed her faith journey has been life-long and continues to study and practice her walk with the Lord. She loves meeting new families and sharing Jesus with them!

407-571-2100 Ext. 109
Kelsie Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Kelsie has been a member of the Central Florida community since the age of 8. She went through Sunday school and confirmation at Sanlando UMC and all four of her children have attended Sanlando Christian School.
She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Digital Media from the University of Central Florida, and is happy to put her skills to use serving the Lord through a supporting role in the church. In her spare time, Kelsie enjoys trivia competitions, scrapbooking, attending sporting events and spending time with her family. She and her husband, Gary, celebrated their 13th wedding anniversary on January 29th.

407-571-2100 Ext. 111
Fletcher Wilson
Director of Music & Worship
Coming Soon…

407-571-2100 Ext. 105
Tiffany Meehan
Financial Coordinator
Coming Soon…

Jason Jankowski
A/V Technician
Coming Soon…