SCS Spring Art Fest

March 30th | 2:30PM – 5PM
Sanlando UMC Campus

The Spring Art Fest is Sanlando Christian School’s biggest fundraiser – you’ll be able to buy tickets for 20 raffle items, with Silent Auction-style bidding on any larger donations.

Enjoy live music, arts & crafts and free food!

UWF Book Club

April 14th | 11AM – 12PM
UWF Book Club

Read and share about books with your women friends of the church. You do not have to be a UWF member to attend. Books chosen are contemporary and wholesome.

Our next meeting is Monday, March 10th at 11AM in the Church Parlor.



Strong & Active Faith Women's Conference

March 28th | 7PM – 9PM
March 29th | 9AM – 3PM
Sanlando UMC

Life is full of ups and downs, good days and not so good days. Through it all, God is calling us to move forward with Strong & Active Faith. Join Sheryl Bane, Angie Mabe from Abba’s Heart Counseling, & Joelle Jensen from First Love Ministries this March!


VBS 2025

June 9th – June 13th | 8:45AM – 12:15PM
Sanlando UMC Campus

This year’s Vacation Bible School reveals that Jesus is a faithful friend we can always trust. He’s our True North! Come join us as we trek through the Alaskan tundra, and discover we have Jesus—our true north that gives us a rock-solid foundation, so we don’t lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today. Children aged in rising VPK through 5th grade are welcome to attend. The cost is $40 per child and can be made HERE. (be sure to also register your child(ren) using the REGISTER NOW button below)

Cook or Serve Dinner at the Rescue Outreach Mission

April 13th | 3PM – 7PM
Sanlando Kitchen or Rescue Outreach Mission

Serve God by serving our neighbors experiencing homelessness.

Sanlando cooks and serves meals to the guests of the ROM on the second Sunday of each month.



Volunteer for VBS 2025

June 9th – June 13th | 8:45AM – 12:15PM
Sanlando UMC Campus

Registration to volunteer for our upcoming True North VBS at Sanlando United Methodist Church this summer on June 9th until June 13th from 8:30am to 12:30pm is officially open! Registration will close on May 4th, 2025.



Contact us at 407-571-2100 or