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Believe Like Jesus Spiritual Formation and Transformation


Rising from Faith in Jesus

to the Faith of Jesus 

You are invited to engage in spiritual formation and transformation this Lenten Season! Join Pastor Jonathan and others on Wednesday mornings or Sunday evenings during Lent to focus on forming the tools to move from a disciple of Jesus to an apostle sent by Jesus to do His work and bring others to Him.

In the New Testament, we learn that discipleship and apostleship are deeply connected. In Mark 1, Jesus links following Him with being sent out by him. “Come, follow me,” Jesus says to two brothers who are fishing on the lake, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Advancing from discipleship to apostleship was the natural journey for the New Testament disciples and it is for us as well.

In our Spiritual Formation Groups this Lent, we will undertake the transformative thinking necessary to move from disciples to apostles by studying the core things that Jesus believes:

1. Partnership with God: Jesus believes that He and the Father are one and that we share in this union with God when the Holy Spirit dwells within us. Sunday, March 9th from 5 PM to 6:15 PM, parlor or Wednesday, March 12th from 10 AM to 11 AM, parlor *read Chapter 4 of BELIEVE LIKE JESUS to prepare

2. Prayer has power: Jesus’ prayer life demonstrates that God hears and answers our prayers in ways that have life-changing positive effects. Sunday, March 23rd from 12:15 PM to 1:30 PM, fellowship hall with luncheon included or Wednesday, March 26th from 10 AM to 11 AM, parlor *read Chapter 5 of BELIEVE LIKE JESUS to prepare

3. Miracle mindset: Jesus leads us to cultivate a miracle mindset that allows the impossible to become possible. Sunday, March 30th from 5 PM to 6:15 PM, parlor or Wednesday, April 2nd from 10 AM to 11 AM, parlor *read Chapter 6 of BELIEVE LIKE JESUS to prepare

4. Life has purpose: Jesus shows us that our lives are meant to serve the compelling purpose of demonstrating the values of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Sunday, April 6th from 5 PM to 6:15 PM, parlor or Wednesday, April 9th from 10 AM to 11 AM, parlor *read Chapter 7 of BELIEVE LIKE JESUS to prepare

5. Resurrection is real: Jesus rises from the dead to prove that God can do the ultimate miracle. Resurrection is available for all of us! Sunday, April 13th from 5 PM to 6:15 PM, parlor or Wednesday, April 16th from 10 AM to 11 AM, parlor *read Chapter 8 of BELIEVE LIKE JESUS to prepare

Reserve a book and your spot in one of the two Spiritual Formation Groups by emailing kelsie.Hunt@sanlando.org, calling the church office, or signing up at the Welcome Table on Sundays. While it’s not required to read the chapters of the book in preparation for each week’s group, it will make the time more spiritually enriching for you.

Let’s rise from Faith in Jesus to the Faith of Jesus this Lenten Season!

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