Harvest of Hope Food Pantry
I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.
John 6:35
Harvest of Hope, a ministry of Sanlando United Methodist Church, provides non-perishable food items on Wednesdays from 10AM – 12PM and 2PM – 4PM. The food pantry is open to all!
Please come to the Church Lobby located at the rear of the buildings near the forest parking lot.
Suggested Items to Give
- Small jars of mayonnaise
- Small bottles of mustard
- Soups
- Powdered Milk
- Small bags of coffee
- Non-refrigerated single serve pudding cups
- Goldfish, pretzels, peanut butter crackers
- Hot Chocolate
- Canned Meats
- Canned Pastas (i.e. Chef Boyardee)
- Peanut Butter
- Jelly
- Canned Fruits & Vegetables
- Soup
- Beans
- Cereal
- Pop Tarts
- Pasta
- Oil, Sugar, Flour
- Baby Formula
Click HERE to make a financial donation.